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Downtown Winnipeg BIZ: Memo - The latest information for BIZ Members
Downtown Safety

As we head into the summer months and a busy event season, I know crime and safety is top of mind for our BIZ members and our downtown community.

We understand addressing these challenges is incredibly complex, and we know the results of long-term efforts led by the Province and City will take time. However, we also recognize that there needs to be immediate action taken to support our members who have committed to and invested in our downtown neighbourhood.

Over the past few weeks, I have had frequent conversations with elected officials and staff at the City and Province and with our partners at Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP). I have stressed the urgent need for increased visible presence on the streets and community outreach support.

I am pleased to share that the Mayor and Premier are taking this matter seriously and we are working collaboratively on an action plan to address downtown safety issues this summer.

I look forward to sharing those updates in the coming days and continuing to work together to ensure our downtown continues to move in a positive direction.

Civic corner: CentrePlan 2050 updates

Tomorrow, the City’s Standing Committee on Property and Development will hear from the public and interested stakeholders on the administrative report for CentrePlan 2050 – the City’s long-term plan that will guide investment and development in downtown Winnipeg for the next 30 years.

The report highlights a number of initiatives, including creating vibrant public spaces, increasing residential developments, and a greater focus on fostering urban neighbourhoods that are active and thriving beyond typical business hours. The report also includes a funding request for the construction and detailed design of Graham Avenue as well as a pilot project for activities and programming for the street.

The BIZ has been actively engaged throughout the development of this plan, and I will be speaking at City Hall tomorrow in favour of moving this plan forward, stressing the need for public investment to follow.

City Council has made it clear that downtown is a priority and integral to the success of our city. We commend their vision but also recognize this plan will sit on a shelf without funding. We encourage the City to work collaboratively with all levels of government and community partners to make this plan a reality.

The report will be voted on at Council later this month. To stay up to date with new developments and decisions, visit


Applications now open for Host It

Our Host It Downtown grant program continues to see a growth in applications, which is encouraging as we continue to build on the positive momentum we’re experiencing downtown!

Applications are now open for events occurring September 1 – December 31, 2024, and are due on Wednesday, July 31. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via email at

In the meantime, be sure to check-out the incredible range of Host It events taking place this summer:

The second intake of the Host It program also supported the following events:



Thank you,

Kate Fenske signature

Kate Fenske, CEO
Downtown Winnipeg BIZ